Registration Information

The deadline for registration is November 15, 2024. The fee includes conference materials, coffee breaks, and lunch buffets.

Early bird fee (Payment before November 1, 2024)

  • Ph.D. Students: 300 Euros
  • Academics & Professionals: 400 Euros

Standard fee (Payment received after November 1, 2024)

  • Ph.D. Students: 350 Euros
  • Academics & Professionals: 450 Euros

The accompanying person fee100 Euros (this fee is intended for the person willing to accompany a participant to the conference's gala dinner but who will NOT be participating in the scientific program) 

The Gala Dinner feeThe Gala dinner will take place on Thursday, December 12, 2024. The cost of Gala dinner is 85 Euros per person and is to be paid during the registration process.



Registration Procedure

The payment procedure will be set up and ready for use as soon as possible.


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